By Tritan Shehu*
Surprisingly, I read that investigations have begun against trauma doctors!! They are accused of having given a serum on the deceased Kurti, while they declared that he arrived at the hospital lifeless! There cannot be a more cynical and idiotic accusation and claim that this.
Even when a sick person arrives without obvious signs of life, but unclear about the time of the cessation of vital functions, doctors make all efforts to bring the unfortunate person back to life.
And the first action is the use of a venous perfusion, which can be accompanied by other actions such as intubation, cardiac massage, electric shock, etc., depending on the state of progress.
I want to tell those who level such charges that it is often very difficult to make the final decision to give up on the patient.
Doctors should be congratulated for the efforts they make to bring someone back to life.
But apparently this does not happen in Albania because the doctors have turned into “shooting tables” from ill-wishers, ignorant people and those who seek to hide the truth of the problems.
Doctors are handcuffed and taken out of the operating room by special forces without being allowed to wear their clothes, they are kept in cells when they can be judged free, and they are insulted and intimidated.
Thus it creates a psychosis of hatred towards them, as if they are the cause of all evils, even outside the health system.
But they should be considered among the most honorable and respected professionals for their difficult mission that they carry out in a destroyed health system in our society. /
*Tritan Shehu is a deputy of the Democratic Party and former Health Minister