Albanians will go to polls on April 25, 2021 to elect the new 140-member Parliament. The date was announced by a decree signed by President Ilir Meta dated September 6, 2020.
“The elections for the Parliament will be held on Sunday on April 25, 2021,” said article 1 of the decree which as article 2 says that it enters into force immediately.
According to the presidential announcement on Sunday, the decree is in line with the articles 65, points 1 and 2, 92 letter “gj” and 93 of the Constitution as well as articles 8, 9, points 1 and 4 of the law No. 10019 dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”, changed, as well as after consultations with the political parties on setting the date of the elections of the Parliament of Albania.
The announcement of the election date comes at a time when majority and opposition have many unresolved issues which popped up after the adoption by Parliament of some constitutional changes which among others do not allow the creation of pre-electoral lists something which has been strongly opposed by Democratic Party and its tiny allies incorporated in the so called United Opposition. /