TIRANA, September 25 – Distanced from the issue of Russian lobbying in favor of the Democratic Party (DP), when this political force was led by Lulzim Basha, the Democrats say that additional mechanisms and legal interventions are needed to control and curb this phenomenon.
“This issue requires other interventions and regulations, which may include special laws on foreign lobbying. The change to the Electoral Code and the law of political parties may also require punitive provisions in the Criminal Code specifically targeted to block these,” said the DP vice chairman.
Bylykbashi, at the same time, one of the co-drafters of the Electoral Reform over the years, said that, despite the prohibitions of foreign financing by law, the discovery of the ultimate owners, who hide behind these dubious lobbying, remains worrying.
“Among them is the eventual discovery of the ultimate owners of the entities that provide financing. It may be an Albanian company that finances within the limits of the law, but that money may come from foreigners,” Bylykbashi said. /Argumentum.al