Brazil was proclaimed independent from Portugal on September 7th 1822, and became a republic on November 15th 1889 but kept September 7th as its Independence Day.
This historic event has been celebrated by the Ambassador of Brazil to Albania, Francisco Carvalho Chagas who has sent a message to Brazilian community in Albania and Albanian friends of his country which follows:
Dear friends of the Brazilian community in Tirana,
Almost two hundred years ago, on a September 7th, we Brazilians won our freedom. Brazil then became independent.
At that moment a happy and welcoming nation came to be, rich in racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. Brazil was born big and, through work and effort, claimed its place in the world.
Although this year we are unable to be together in person, due to the exceptional circumstances that the coronavirus pandemic has imposed on the world, I am pleased to celebrate with all of you this very important milestone in our history.
To our Albanian friends,
It has been 10 years since the opening of the Embassy of Brazil in Tirana! During this time, bilateral relations have deepened and today Brazil is one of the main exporters of animal protein to Albania.
I am grateful for the affection with which Brazilians are welcomed in Albania. I am also confident in the potential for strengthening the friendship between our two peoples and in the possibilities to expand and deepen our relations even further. We will continue to work together in this direction.
On behalf of the Brazilian government and the staff of the Brazilian Embassy in Tirana, I wish you all a happy National Day!
Please stay healthy and safe!
Thank you! Shumë faleminderit!