TIRANA, October 8 – PM Edi Rama told an old socialist that he would silence Libohova and disintegrate Lazarat altogether.
This was declared by the head of the Democratic Party (DP) in a meeting on Saturday with citizens of Lazarat, a big village in southern Albania known as a DP stronghold.
“I tell Edi Rama that there is no force to dissolve Lazarat. This was what the most vicious dictatorship tried to do and they ended up in the dustbins of history and Lazarat remained the bastion of freedom. Hence the idea of continuing the deed of your cruel fathers, of persecuting Lazarat, will receive the deserved response in the next elections, will receive the deserved response throughout Albania,” Berisha said.
Local power elections will be held in Albania next spring but the date isn’t set although May 14 is mentioned as a possible day.