17 – 31 MAY 2024
On 3 major diplomatic events briefly with only 1.000 words by
Grand Master in Diplomacy
1.Cameron and the charter invoice! The UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron travelled quite unexpectedly in Tirana on 22 May. Announced with sounding projects but after Tories had suffered a electoral catastrophe in the recent local elections, the heaviest defeat after the end of World War II, and when everyone was waiting to hear the date of anticipated elections!
Equally incomprehensible by our State Protocol was showing his portrait on the main facade of Tirana University main building, although Calmeron was the greatest troublemaker with the referendum on BREXIT, where as they say “ they went for wool but returned shorn”! Then, if we start to place the portrait of major foreign ministers, what about the Presidents and Prime Ministers! Then, again all of a sudden, Cameron took the plane and returned urgently in London witout ending his visit, where Sunak announced the early elections on 4th of July this year. So, what remained from him was only the public media critical remarks on the invoice of the charter amounting to 69.000 Pounds for a 200 minute long flying visit with the tax payers money! Nothing more!

2. The French – German engine works! This can be said for the three day visit by French President Emmanuel Macron in Germany ( 26 – 28 May 2024). It was the first “state visit” by a French President from the year 2000.
For many reasons, this was considered historic and in the proper time. This is due to the fact that France and Germany are co-founders and the EU axes/engline of the existence and functioning and “heavy weights” in other international organizations.
They have turned the early hostility into a “ miracle” as their historic friendship and partnership, which has ben beneficial also four Western Balkans, Kosovo and Albania is esteemed.
This visit took place when Germany celebrated the 75th Anniversary of its founding as a democratic state. 27 months after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, when in the Middle East continues the crisis triggered by the Hamas terrorist attacks on 7 October 2023.
The leaders of these two large states met only 10 days ahead of the new European elections, this decisive political and electoral battle among the moderate, populist and far right forces.
This visit took place when the French-German EU engine has shown deficiencies in the most recent times, with odds, problems, open and covert conflicts, with a negative impact on the political, diplomatic, evonomic and military cohesion with implications for the whole EU.
Thus, Berlin has not responded to Macron’s three European speeches in Lisbone, Sorbonne and Strassburg; they maintain different attitudes on Ukraine, when France is more advanced, whereas Germany is hesitant. France has provided Ukraine with its missiles “SCALP“ 250 km, long – range whereas Berlin does not accept to send its 500 long range “ Taurus” missiles; Franca is ready to send even troops in Ukraine, while Berlin is categorically against, since it does not want to become a party in war; France is in favour of harder stances on China concerning electric vehicles, whereas Berlin again is more restrained; Chancellor Scholz has not supported Macron’s idea on a “ Euroean strategic autonomy” with or without the USA and the creation of a joint European army.
Actually, this visit helped in levelling out and approaching the French-German positions on these vital issues. In all events during the visit the leaders of both states expressed their confidence that they will carry Europe forward with their joint thought and action in all the major isues of our epoch. There was also an approachment of attitudes related to the military support, for the defence and victory of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the German President, Steinmeier in the state banquet in Dresden and in the public event of awarding Peresident Macron with the “ Westfalischen Peace Order” in Mϋnster considered him an oustanding europianist, artisan and pazrtisan of strategic european autonomy and a man of great visions”
Both presidents gave telling messages during their visit in the open Holocaust Museum in Berlin and in the ceremony of awarding the famous French – German couple, Beate&Serge Klarsfeld, survivers of the Holocaust and activists in tracing the perpetrators of crimes during the nazi period with the highest French Order
The youth has been the decisive factor in forging the French – German emblematic friendship; therefore its leaders have alwys appealed to the youth. Under the friendship Elisee Treaty signed on 22 January 1963, hundreds of schools are twinned, there is the same history book taught, there are thousands of scholarships, many facilities for young artists and sportists and others. Macron gave the major message that “ you, the youth have the destinies of Europe in your hands” in the german language applauded by thounsandsof young folks in Dresden and while attending the concert by the German – French chorus in “Romain Roland“ gymnasium in Dresden.
During this visit, the leaders of both countries gave a new vigorous impetus to the historic French-German engine, ensuring its functionality with an even larger intensity in strengthening the EU and other Euro-Atlantic structures, serving peace, security, economic prosperity and liberal democracy.

3. Skopje facing the triple European challenge ! On 27 May, a new governmental coalition was established in Skopje with the former opposition and Albanian coalition “ Vlen”, with the social-democrats and Albanian BDI finally in opposition; However, it is a difficult beginning since the new Lady President did not add “ Northern “ to “ Macedonia” and with some other similar statements like “ Balkans and then Brussels”“. They caused genuine political storms in Athens, Brussels, Sofia and in other EU metropoles. We hope that the new North Macedonian government would not repeat the previous mistakes which could lead to a new deadlock in its negotiation process with the EU. The next challenge relates to the adoption of constitutional amendments permitting the existence of Bulgarian minorities. The third challenge, apparently easier is the necessary domestic reforms. But caution is required, if Skopje would continue to keep the EU membership is top priority, then it should be flexible in its diplomacy with tis neighbours and in particular with Athens and Sofie and then with Brussels and others. Otherwise, the practical opening of accession negotiations with Skopje could be put off this time indeed to “ Greek calendas”.
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